Website Launch - Webflow Forms POP
Before launching the website, ensure the following setup if using Webflow forms anywhere on the site.
Form & Field Names
Name each form a logical name.
Ensure all form fields are named accordingly.
Note - when you add a form field in Webflow, it will often default to something like 'Name 2'. Ensure they are all updated and accurately describe what the field is. Whatever is in these field names is passed to the client via email.
Form Field Types & Requirements
Ensure you check or uncheck the 'Required' field accordingly. If the field is 'required' we need a visual indicator to users this field is required.
For the type, it is easy to copy/paste other fields and therefore use the wrong field type. So ensure you use the correct type of field for each field.
Sites with Multiple Forms
If the site has forms on multiple pages, use this trick to show what site page the form was submitted from.
Create an embed inside the form block, with following code inserted, onto each form block element in the site (and hide the embed).
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript"><!--document.write('<input ');document.write(' type="hidden" ');document.write(' name="pageURL" ');document.write(' value="' + document.URL + '">');//--></script>
Project Settings Setup
In Webflow Site Settings, under 'Forms', be sure to set up the fields and hit save.
'Sender Name' should be the business name.
'Send form submissions to' should be the client email (see beloe step first)
'Subject line' should be something that tells the client what it is, such as: New Form Submission from Business Name Website
'Form submission count' - this is subject. It can be left on or off.
reCAPTCHA validation
Controversially, we ideally want this setting OFF. As recaptcha often slows down the site speed somewhat. It is also not wholly effective in stopping spam.
The best way to stop spam is a third-party integration with a service such as Basin (we can offer this as a separate add on service if required).
Test Forms
In Webflow Site Settings, under 'Forms'
Always publish the site to the staging domain and test the form submission works, and look at the email that is delivered for any obvious issues. Enter your email in the form submission settings and send a test form. Once you are happy it is correct, remember to change this field back to the client email address for form submissions.